
Read relevant, insightful, and informative articles that will help spice up, enhance, and keep your marriage exciting.

The Power of Your Yes – Part Two: Whose Hand Do You See?

In this article, we’ll continue with the power of your yes and uncover the concept that, hearing happens when you “see the name.”

The Power of Your Yes – Part One: Freely Give Life

In this article, we’ll explore the power behind what it truly means when you say “yes.”

The Trinity and Humanity Part Two - Made from Love, for Love, and to Love

Understanding God as Trinity means understanding that we are made from love, for love, and to love.

The Trinity and Humanity Part One - In the Beginning, God!

If we are to ever answer the big question of why, how and for what reasons humanity exists, we must begin by examining the nature and character of the God in whose image we were fashioned.